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Angular blade 3 holes for trencher
56888 Angular blade 3 holes for trencher
Plate Right 100x8 mm
Disponibile nelle categorie : TRENCHER BLADES
Length - L 320 mm
Width - H 65 mm
Hole diameter 14.5 mm
Center distance of the holes 60 mm
Plate Right 100x8 mm
net weight 1.65 kg
Angular blade 3 holes for trencher
57138 Angular blade 3 holes for trencher
Plate Left 100x8 mm
Disponibile nelle categorie : TRENCHER BLADES
Length - L 320 mm
Width - H 65 mm
Hole diameter 14.5 mm
Center distance of the holes 60 mm
Plate Left 100x8 mm
net weight 1.65 kg
Info cermag