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Cultivator tine
55991 Cultivator tine
Type Medium
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
Height - A 500 mm
Length - B 290 mm
Center distance - C 50 mm
Type Medium
net weight 6.3 kg
Cultivator tine
55992 Cultivator tine
Type Heavy
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
Height - A 570 mm
Length - B 300 mm
Center distance - C 50 mm
Type Heavy
net weight 8.5 kg
Subsoil tine SUPERIOR with bracket and share
56610 Subsoil tine SUPERIOR with bracket and share
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 43 kg
Light subsoiler tine with share
56756 Light subsoiler tine with share
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 35.5 kg
Cultivator tine
56758 Cultivator tine
Center distance - A 70 mm
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
Center distance - A 70 mm
net weight 8.47 kg
Cultivator tine
56759 Cultivator tine
Center distance - A 45 mm
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
Center distance - A 45 mm
net weight 8.24 kg
600 RIGHT blade for 600 long anchor
57210 600 RIGHT blade for 600 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 10.5 kg
600 LEFT blade for 600 long anchor
57211 600 LEFT blade for 600 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 10.5 kg
RIGHT counterblade for 600 long anchor
57212 RIGHT counterblade for 600 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 2.65 kg
LEFT counterblade for 600 long anchor
57213 LEFT counterblade for 600 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 2.65 kg
600 blade point for 600 long anchor
57214 600 blade point for 600 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
Center distance of the holes 85 mm
net weight 4.23 kg
800 RIGHT blade for 800 long anchor
57216 800 RIGHT blade for 800 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 23.2 kg
800 LEFT blade for 800 long anchor
57217 800 LEFT blade for 800 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 23.2 kg
RIGHT short counterblade for 800 long anchor
57218 RIGHT short counterblade for 800 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 5.05 kg
LEFT short counterblade for 800 long anchor
57219 LEFT short counterblade for 800 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 5.05 kg
RIGHT long counterblade for 800 long anchor
57385 RIGHT long counterblade for 800 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 7.3 kg
LEFT long counterblade for 800 long anchor
57386 LEFT long counterblade for 800 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
net weight 7.3 kg
800 blade point for 800 long anchor
57220 800 blade point for 800 long anchor
Disponibile nelle categorie : CULTIVATOR TINES
Center distance of the holes 80 mm
net weight 7.2 kg
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